Fossil Shark Tooth Identification Chart

General Identification Chart for fossil shark teeth that can be found in Florida.  Featuring one shark tooth from a Bull, Tiger, Snaggletooth (hemipristis serra), Hubbell Megalodon, Megalodon, Lemon, Hastalis (Also Lesser White or common slang of Mako), Angustidens, Chubutensis, Sand Tiger, Great White, and Hammerhead.

Remember, no two shark teeth are ever the same!  Teeth can also look completely different based on the exact part of the jaw they were originally used in.  For instance, look at the difference between the upper and lower Snaggleteeth in the chart.  The upper has a very different shape and more serrations than the lower, and they almost look as if they were from different sharks.  Lower jaw Bull shark teeth can also look very different than the upper in the chart.  But if you are ever looking to get a tooth identified or have any questions, you can always just send us a message in the website chat and we are always happy to help!  The personal favorite here at SHRKco is the Megalodon.  Chubutensis is the closest ancestor of the Megalodon and Angustidens are the next oldest ancestor.  You can see old, residual cusps on the Chubutensis, but then more defined cusps on the Angustidens.  The next oldest ancestor in the Megalodon lineage would be the Auriculatus after the Angustidens.  They also can be found in Florida, but are not featured in this chart because we have not found one yet to photograph.  These are all real teeth found in the SHRKco collection in Florida.  The only tooth found in a different state is the Angustidens; however, they can sometimes (very rarely) be found in Florida too. 

This chart is also available in two sizes of a beautiful canvas available for purchase on our website as well!  Feel free to share this chart with anyone looking to learn. 

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